01 Aug
Posted by John
This week's question arrived on whether BELUU will create more designs and other wonderful piece of artwork for viewers?


Key contents:  The purpose of image contents is there beside to enrich the website but also serve a purpose on helping, supporting and to provide potential customers or visitors on their project(s) decision easier.  It is a reference point to start on a project or related activities.

BELUU will strike its best effort to improve, upgrade and move forward to the imperative direction at present and in future.  There will be more articles, images and sample catalogs for visitors and customers in the course of company's expansion.  BELUU has every intent to establish its website to be more educational and user friendly.

BELUU will continuous to produce great quality design contents and image photos


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25 Jul
Posted by John
BELUU decided to launch its Website on Friday July 18, 2014.  It is a week later than it anticipated because of much effort implication.


Website contents:  BELUU  produce a website that has a purpose of which contains constructive, conclusive, rich, vibrant, and forward in both image and writing contents.  We want audience to see and explore, then seek and find out what they have in their mind's eyes that might help them to take action in result of fulfillment and accomplishment or simply for the the desire of purely enjoyment.

Much of efforts and devotions will continuous to put forward on making this website to go further and expanse more in various areas of content creations.  As our company growth, our website will continuous to improve, develop and up to date for the better.

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17 Jul
Posted by John
Canada Anti- Spam Legislation (CASL) is in effect on July 01, 2014.


This Legislation is here to protect any one who wish not to have junk mail send to to his or her inbox. This help to promote the freedom of choices to receive promotional communication.  However, this will not effect our formal communication notice.

By not having to receive any promotional notice from us, simply forward email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information go to following link at CASL

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