24 Oct
Posted by John

Stain Application:  Another key technique besides using rags to apply Stain is to use a quality brush.  An angle edge paint brush or latex paint brush about two inches is an excellent preferable choice.

The key is t always start out with the interior of an insert where the rail and insert meet up with one and other.  Smoothly work outward to other area and follow the gain of the wood.  Try to apply in a way as if one is implementing a final finish for its last impression.  Try to stroke every brush with consistency to guarantee a best result.

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17 Oct
Posted by John

Stain Application:  Cleanliness is the key to a good result.  Clean the entire surface of a project with rags and blow away sand and dust with air from a compressor if applicable,or a vacuum will also do the job.

Apply Stain "which comes in numerous of types and color variations" to the surface using a circular motion.  Get to those corners and hard to reach places with a brush preferably paint brush.  Wipe off the excessive Stain with new clean rags.  Be patient to let the project dry before any coating for a marvelous finishing.

BELUU welcome any comments, feedbacks, ideas, subjections, contributions, inputs as well as any opinion to ensure better quality services and company improvement.

BELUU will continuous to produce great quality design contents and image photos


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10 Oct
Posted by John

Stain:  To stain a piece of project is almost like preparing a photograph to be put on HD format.  A High Definition Presentation for all viewers detailing its grain patterns, unfinished touch up, putty color differentiation, rough sending jobs, holds and cracks, textures and event an unseen water mark.  This happened because stain helps to highlight the wood piece of project that person is working on

It is fundamental and instrumental important to have a fine and good finishing job on a surface preparation before an Stain application,  resulting in a beautiful work of art from that skill person's times and efforts input.

BELUU welcome any comments, feedbacks, ideas, subjections, contributions, inputs as well as any opinion to ensure better quality services and company improvement.

BELUU will continuous to produce great quality design contents and image photos


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