1. How do I order products (Custom Finished Doors) from Beluu?

Customers can order doors by providing sizes, dimensions, style, color and material kind to us or contact us for consultation.

2. Do I have to pay full amount for my order to begin with?

It is practical to have 50 percentage of deposited of any order and provide the remaining on completion.

3. What method of payment does Beluu except?

We are primary accept company and personal check, credit cards and cash. As we expand we will seek more alternative.

4. How do I search for a product I want?

Doors and finishing come in wide varieties. It is a good idea to go online,  our company website or contact us to obtain information, ideas and samples of comparison.

5. I can’t find the product I want on the company’s website?

Products listed or posted on the Company’s newly Website are yet fully categorized. We will continuously to improve, update and expand. Our Blog will provide informative progress and alert for new development

6. How much do you charged for shipping?

We will deliver to local location as well as bordering location free of charge. Further way charges will be pending according with the fee and services of courier companies.

7. What happen if I decide to return and cancel the order?

Almost all doors and finishing are tailor made for specific order; Therefore, make it difficult for return. Cancellation of any has to be early enough before any work application is impose. Please see Warranty section for further details.

8. What are the taxes applied on my order?

Both 5% GST and 7% PST are to be complied.  The complexity explanation of the PST can be found at this link:  The PST in BC Provincial Sales Tax guide

9. No one answer your phone?

Your call and correspondence is important to us. We will respond to any incoming contacts as earliest as possible.

10. I find damage on products I bought?

Please follow instruction on the warranty section.

11. Does your company do renew doors?

Yes, we do renew and refinish door to its newest stage. It is wise to consider to replace old doors with new set of doors can be cost effective.

12. How long do I have to wait for my product to my home?

Both doors and finishing can be accomplished in 2 to 4 working weeks to ensure best quality control. Rush order must provide detail information and times frame detailing when the project to be complete.