17 Apr

BELUU in Focus - Folding Top (38)

Posted by John

Folding Top:  The lack of space in modern living has become quite common in today's world.  A Folding Table will fit the situation nicely.  To construct a piece of folding table top of any shape or pattern is to have a piece of surface drew or marked with a shape, style or pattern to an individual liking.  Cut the piece of top in half for half folded and into 3 sections for folding on both sides with a table saw.  next to follow is to size and shape by cutting the already marked shape or pattern style into its forms.

Construct the body or legs for the top to sit or attached on.  Choose the finishes with one's personal preference.  Be sure to follow the standard finishing procedure guild lines from the basic to a complete finishing process.  There are finishing hints of various methods in presented in previous blogs for references

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